Believing is Seeing

Worship Leader: Doug Amstutz

Speaker: Harry

Song Leader: Susan

Gift of Music: Hastings-Fuhr

Sound Technician: Dave

 3rd Sunday of Advent “Believing is Seeing”

Gift of Music

Welcome and Announcements

 Advent Hymn VT#225  We Come

 Call to Worship

Leader: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour!

High Voices: For the Mighty One has done great things for me,

Low Voices: and holy is God’s name.

Leader: God has brought down the powerful and lifted up the lowly.

People:  What will God do next?


All: Together we wonder.

Opening Prayer

 New Testament Reading:   Luke 1:46b-55

 Hymns: VT#218  Come, Thou long expected Jesus

             VT#213  Poor of the Earth

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 61:4-4,8-11

Message:  Believing is Seeing

Hymn of Response: VT#222  My soul proclaims with wonder

Congregational Prayer

Sending Hymn: VT#228   Wait for the Lord 


Leader: Together we wonder,

Offering/Gift of Music

Candle Lighter:  How will we know what’s next?

Leader: Go and hold fast to what is good, rejoice alway make straight the way of the Lord!