The Good News about the Bad News

Worship Leader: Keith

Speaker: Doug

Song Leader: Harry

Gift of Music: Sheri Frey, Lisa Thompson, Dianne Ritz & Norma Steinman

Sound Technician: Jaime

Welcome and Announcements

Gift of Music

Summary Statement

Advent Hymn We Come  [Kim Thiessen]

Call to Worship:

Leader: Do not ignore this fact, beloved, that with God one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day.

High voices: God is not slow, as some think of slowness,

Low voices: but is patient with us,

People: not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance.

Leader: The word of our God will stand forever.

People: How shall we live while we wait for salvation?


All:        Together we wait.


Opening Prayer

Hymns: VT #212 Comfort, Comfort, O My People

            VT #223 Bless’d Be the God of Israel

 Old Testament Reading: Psalms 85:1-2; 8-13

 Offering/ Gift of Music

 New Testament Reading: Mark 1:1-8

 Message: The Good News about the Bad News

 Hymn of Response: VT #220 Prepare the Way! The Prophet Called

 Congregational Prayer

 Sending Hymn: VT #219 Prepare the Way of the Lord


Leader:            Together we wait.

Candle Lighter: God is Patient with us, but how do we prepare while we’re waiting?

Leader:            Go, beloved, and while you wait for these things, strive to

                       be found by God at peace. Do justice, love, kindness, and

                       walk humbly with our God.