June 25, 2023
“En-courage-ment” (Audio on request)
Speaker: Doug Amstutz
Worship Leader: Helen
Song Leader: Sharon
Gift of Music: Rezonation: Norma, Sheri, Dianne, Lisa
Technician: David
Order of Worship
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship VT #857
Gift of Music: Rise Again --Rezonation
Hymns: VT #129 O Worship Our God
VT # 52 Come and Fill Our Hearts
Scripture: Hebrews 6: 9 - 12
Sermon: “En-courage-ment”
Hymn of Response: VT #556 I Bind My Heart This Tide
Congregational Prayer
Gift of Music: Thank You Dear Lord for Music --Rezonation
Prayer for the Offering
Sending Hymn: VT #849 We, Your People, Sing Your Praises
Blessing: (from Words for Worship, by Marlene Kropf)
L: We go now with faith, trusting God’s Spirit to guide us;
P: We go now with hope, waiting for the fullness of Christ’s reign.
L: We go now with love, resting in God’s care and the care of God’s people.
All: We go out with joy; to listen and speak, to sing and suffer, to proclaim good news, and give glory to God.
Following the worship service, we will meet in the sanctuary for conversation, which will be followed by a potluck in the fellowship hall.