"In Wind and Flame"

May 28, 2023

"In Wind and Flame"

 Speaker: Kendall Jongejan Harder

Worship Leader: Harry

Song Leader: Ken

Gift of Music: Elizabeth

Technician: Dave

Order of Worship

Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship 

Hymn: VT # 57 Holy Spirit Come With Power


Hymn: VT #373 As the Wind Song through the Trees 

Congregational Prayer

Spirit of Life … your breath of life fills the whole world and holds all things together. If you withdraw your breath everything turns to dust.

All:  breathe on me breath of God

You are the source of life that brings life to the world, whole life, full life, unhindered, indestructible everlasting life.

All:  fill me with life anew

The life of your Spirit which Christ sends into the world is the power of the resurrection which brings us new life.

All:  breathe on me breath of God

The sending of your Spirit is the revelation of god's indestructible affirmation of life and marvelous joy in life.

All:  fill me with life anew

 Jesus, where you are there is life. Where you are, sick people are healed, sad people are comforted, marginalized people are accepted and the demons of death are driven out.

All:  breathe on me breath of God

Where your holy Spirit is present there is life. The powers and energies of eternal life are experienced.

All:  fill me with life anew

 The mission of your Spirit is a movement for life and a movement for healing which spreads consolation and the courage to live and raises up what wants to die.

All:  breathe on me breath of God

We affirm and love life so much that we protest against death and all the powers that disseminate death.

 All:  fill me with life anew

 Help us to join with your comforting of the sad, healing of the sick, welcoming of strangers, and forgiving of sins.

All:  breathe on me breath of God

Send your Spirit so that this world should not perish but live.

All:  fill me with life anew

Spirit of the new creation break into the here and now bringing a foretaste of the age to come when all things are made new, and creation is set free from the powers of death. 

All:  breathe on me breath of God

Spirit of god renew the face of the earth

 All:  fill me with life anew give us hearts of flesh for hearts of stone that we may love as you would love and do what you would do.


Hymn: VT # 737 Breathe on Me Breath of God Scripture: Acts 2:1-21 Message:  "In Wind and Flame"   Pastor Kendall Jongejan Harder
Hymn of Response:   VT #828 There's a Wild Hope in the Wind Offering Prayer Gift of Music: "Elegie" from Shostakovich's set of miniatures - Elizabeth Fraser

Hymn: VT # 740 Spirit of the Living God
Sending blessing