Crossing the River

Worship Leader: Keith

Speaker: Lydia & Gary Harder

Song Leader: Sharon

Gift of Music: Phyllis & Maurice

Sound Technician: Jaimie


Welcome and Announcements

Land Acknowledgement VT #878

Gift of Music

Call to worship


Hymns: VT #32   God Welcomes All

             VT #716 God of Grace and God of Glory

 Scripture:     Matthew. 15:21-28

 Hymn VT #715 Longing for Light

 Message:  Crossing the River: in Confession and Repentance

 Hymn of Response     VT #706 O Healing River

 Congregational Prayer  


Gift of Music  

 Sending Hymn VT #849 We, Your People, Sing Your Praises

 Blessing  VT #1061

Mannheim Mennonite Church