Reflections on Peacebuilding
Reflections on Peacebuilding
Worship Participants:
Worship Leader: Helen
Speaker: Talina
Song Leader: Ken
Gift of Music: Sharon
Sound Technician: Jaimie
Welcome and announcements
Call to Worship: VT #851
Opening Prayer
Hymns: VT #36 Let Us Build a House
VT #57 Holy Spirit, Come with Power
SJ #56 Make me a channel of your peace
Scripture reading: Matthew 5:9 Luke 10: 29 - 35
Sermon: Reflections on Peacebuilding - Talina Matthies
Hymn of Response: VT #719 Jesus, Help Us Live in Peace
Congregational Prayer
Prayer: VT #1022
Gift of Music: VT #808 Between Darkness and Light
Hymn: VT #839 Go Ye Now in Peace/Go, My Friends, in Peace