Gary and Christine Knarr farewell service

Gary and Christine Knarr

lead their farewell service.

Aug 27, 2023 A Commitment to Gods work in the world (Gary Farwell)

Gary and Christine Knarr

Worship Leaders: Gary and Christine Knarr

Song Leader: Sharon

Gift of Music: Sharon

Technician: Dave

Order of Worship

Welcome to Worship


Call to Worship

Hymn:  VT #420  God of the Bible


Gift of Music

Reflecting on Scripture

A commitment to God’s work in the world

Hymn:  VT #514  I Saw a Tree by the Riverside

Congregational Prayer

Offering Prayer

Words of Farewell – Gary and Christine


Hymn:  VT #297  You are Salt for the Earth

A potluck in honor of Gary and Christine will be held after the morning service.

Mannheim Mennonite Church