"On the Edge of the Inside"
Sept 17
"On the Edge of the Inside"
Worship Leader: Eugene
Speaker: Doug
Song Leader: Harry
Gift of Music: Keith
Sound Technician: Jaimie
Welcome and Announcements
Call to worship VT #896
Gift of Music VT #62 God is Here Among Us
Hymns: VT #62 God is Here Among Us
VT #788 The Garden Needs Our Tending Now
VT #156 There’s a wideness in Gods Mercy
Scripture: Psalm 103: 1-5, 13-18
Childrens Time
Scripture: I Corinthians 1: 18-31
Message: "On the Edge of the Inside"
Hymn of Response VT #549 Be Thou My Vision
Congregational Prayer
Sending VT #790 How Can We Be Silent