Pentecost Sunday

Prelude/ Gift of Music

Welcome and Announcements                                                            

Call to Worship                                                                                     

Come, people of God, to worship. On this day when something strange happened so long ago, we remember the power of the Holy Spirit. As we worship in our small corner of the world, we remember that we are part of many tribes and races, many languages and cultures who have heard and heeded the words that sparked a movement. Come and worship! Let us pray.

Opening Prayer                                                                                     

Lord God Almighty, as you moved in the midst of the crowd in Jerusalem, we ask you to move in our midst today. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear so that if the moment comes, we will be ready. Through Christ our Lord we pray, amen.

Hymns                                    VT #57      Holy Spirit, come with power

Psalm Reading                                                   Psalm 1                       

Offering/ Gift of Music                                          

New Testament Reading                    John 15: 26-27, 16: 12-15

                                                                         Acts 2: 1-21

Sermon           “Order, Disorder, Reorder”                        Doug

Hymn of Response                   VT #827                 Move in our midst

Pastoral Prayer                                                                                     

Sending Hymn                        VT #377          New earth, heavens new
